Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your space and refresh your surroundings. After a long winter, it’s time to clear out the clutter and bring in some fresh energy. Here are the top 10 spring cleaning tips to help you get started on your spring cleaning journey.

Create a Cleaning Plan

Before you grab your mop and bucket, take a moment to plan your attack. Assess your home and decide which areas need the most attention. Prioritize rooms that see the most use, like the kitchen, living room, and bathrooms. By having a clear plan, you can tackle each task systematically and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Declutter Your Space

The first step to a successful spring cleaning is to declutter your space. Get rid of any unnecessary items that are cluttering up your space. This can include old magazines, unused gadgets, and any other items that are taking up space. Don’t be afraid to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life. A good rule I like to follow is if I have not used it in the last year or two, it may be time to toss it.

Deep Clean Your Space

Once you’ve cleared out the clutter, it’s time to deep clean your space. This includes dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down surfaces. Don’t forget to clean your windows and curtains as well! It may surprise you to see just how much dust your curtains can collect. Use a natural cleaning solution to ensure that your space is not only clean but also healthy.

cleaning windows - spring cleaning

Gather Your Supplies

Having the right supplies on hand can make cleaning much more efficient. Stock up on essential items like microfiber cloths, sponges, a vacuum, mop, and various cleaning solutions. Consider eco-friendly options, such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon, which are just as effective and better for the environment.

Deep Clean Carpets and Rugs

Carpets and rugs can harbor dirt, dust, and allergens, so giving them a thorough clean is essential. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove surface dust, and consider renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a professional for a deep clean. For rugs, check the care instructions and either wash them or take them to a cleaner.

Bring in Fresh Flowers

Adding fresh flowers to your decor is a great way to bring the beauty of spring into your home. Choose flowers that are in season and arrange them in vases or jars around your home. Not only do they look beautiful, but they also freshen the air and add a natural fragrance to your space.

Flowers for spring

Switch Out Bedding and Linens

Swap out heavy winter bedding and linens for lighter, brighter options. This can include swapping out flannel sheets for cotton, and replacing heavy duvets and weighted blankets with lightweight quilts. Not only will this update the look of your space, but it will also make you feel more comfortable during warmer months.

Rearrange Your Furniture

Give your space a new look by rearranging your furniture. Try moving your couch to a different wall or swapping out chairs between rooms. This will not only refresh your space but also give you a chance to rethink your furniture arrangement. Rearranging furniture is something I love to do to change the look of the room without spending a dime.

Add New Accents

Adding new accents, such as throw pillows, rugs, and artwork, can give your space a fresh look. Look for items that incorporate bright colors and patterns to add a pop of spring to your decor. This is an affordable way to update your space without a complete overhaul.

spring cleaning

Organize Your Storage Spaces

Spring is a great time to reorganize your closets. Start by removing everything and giving the space a good clean. Sort through your clothes and decide what to keep, donate, or store away for the next season. Invest in some organizers like bins, shelves, and hangers to maximize your closet space.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips

Using eco-friendly cleaning products is not only better for the environment but also healthier for your family. Many homemade solutions work just as well as commercial cleaners. For instance, a mixture of vinegar and water can clean most surfaces, while baking soda is great for scrubbing. Essential oils can add a pleasant scent to your homemade cleaners.

Maintaining a Clean Home Year-Round

Once you’ve completed your spring cleaning, maintaining a clean home can be much easier. Develop daily cleaning habits like wiping down surfaces, doing a quick sweep, and putting things away immediately. A monthly deep cleaning schedule can help you stay on top of bigger tasks, so you don’t have to tackle everything at once next spring


How often should I do a deep clean?

Deep cleaning is typically done once or twice a year, but high-traffic areas might need more frequent attention.

What are the best eco-friendly cleaning products?

Vinegar, baking soda, and lemon are great natural cleaners. Brands like Seventh Generation and Mrs. Meyer’s also offer eco-friendly options.

How can I make spring cleaning fun?

Turn on your favorite music or podcast, set a timer for each task, and reward yourself with a treat when you’re done.

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